Ammonia in an aquarium can be deadly poison, stressing out or killing the fish in its presence. When levels rise too quickly, you must act swiftly and take measures to lower it by doing certain things that will reduce it quickly.
Add beneficial bacteria to your aquarium as one way of reducing ammonia levels. These beneficial microorganisms will speed up the nitrogen cycle and convert ammonia into nitrites and nitrates for conversion back into ammonia.
Scrape Algae
Excessive algae blooms in a tank can contribute to elevated ammonia levels as it breaks down and releases ammonia as it decomposes, while uneaten fish food also creates increased ammonia levels.
Overfeeding can also create ammonia problems in fish tanks. Any surplus food either eaten directly by the fish, or left behind to rot in their environment and contributes to higher ammonia levels in the environment.
Regular partial water changes are the quickest and easiest way to lower ammonia levels quickly and effectively. Routinely changing the water allows the biofilter to convert ammonia into nitrite and nitrate via an internal cycle called the Nitrogen Cycle; this natural process uses beneficial bacteria to combat harmful bacteria in the environment.
Remove Uneaten Food
Uneaten fish food releases ammonia when it decomposes, potentially increasing levels in the water and decreasing oxygen content; both factors could stress and potentially kill your fish.
Scoop out any excess food and debris regularly from your tank to maintain proper aquarium care. Cleanliness is another vital aspect of aquarium upkeep.
Partial water changes can help your aquarium's ammonia levels drop considerably. Switch out between 50 to 80% of its water for fresh, dechlorinated water and add this in, which should remove much of the ammonia while also giving nitrifying bacteria a chance to get back at work.
Perform Partial Water Changes
Change of water can be the most effective solution to lower ammonia levels. By doing so, ammonia and nitrite levels are removed while fresh dechlorinated water replaces it, providing an ideal environment for beneficial bacteria to flourish in. Freshwater fish owners should perform this practice regularly so as to maintain optimal conditions in their aquarium environment and increase fish health.
Fish excreta produces urine and feces which settle to the bottom of their aquarium and start decomposing, producing ammonia gas. Regular water changes will prevent this buildup of ammonia as well as other organic debris such as food debris or old plants rotting in there, so regular cleaning of your tank is highly recommended to maintain healthy aquatic environment.
Always use a gravel siphon to filter tank water and transfer it to a clean bucket, so that you can use its fresh, nitrogen-rich waters for watering houseplants.
Add Beneficial Bacteria
Ammonia in fish tanks can be a serious health risk that stresses and even kills their inhabitants. There are a number of effective solutions for lowering ammonia levels; one effective strategy is simply changing out your aquarium water with fresh, dechlorinated water (a partial water change).
Beneficial bacteria known as Nitrosomonas is another excellent addition to any aquarium, breaking down ammonia into much less harmful nitrites than ammonia is. Nitrifying bacteria can be added naturally or purchased at most pet stores - either way they're vital components in cycling your tank as without them ammonia levels can quickly rise to lethal levels in days even though its surface seems clear!
Add Dry Rock
Your aquarium rocks may be contributing to its ammonia levels by harboring dead plant matter, feces and uneaten fish food that decomposes into ammonia as they decay. Therefore, it's wise to cure new rocks (dry or live) prior to adding it into your tank.
Beneficial bacteria can help convert ammonia into less harmful nitrites and nitrates in your tank's water, but the process takes weeks. One way to speed it up is to lower pH with chemical pH adjusters available from pet stores.
Add Lava Rock
Lava rocks contain thousands of tiny holes that allow beneficial nitrogen-fixing or denitrifying bacteria, also known as denitrifying bacteria, to flourish on them and help purify aquarium water by turning ammonia into nitrite and ultimately nitrate. Lava rocks also serve as hiding places for fish and invertebrates alike! If adding lava rock to your tank, ensure it has not been bleached or exposed to any chemicals prior to placing in it your tank.
One of the fastest and simplest ways to reduce ammonia levels in an aquarium is through regular partial water changes. Doing this regularly should help bring down ammonia levels over time.