Breeding Enigma: The Bumblebee Catfish
Understanding the Bumblebee Catfish
Belonging to various families such as Pseudopimelodidae and Bagridae, the term "bumblebee catfish" refers to a diverse range of catfish exhibiting eye-catching coloration similar to that of a bumblebee. Most bumblebee catfish such as the South American Bumblebee Catfish (Microglanis iheringi) owe their origins to the South American region, particularly Venezuela and Columbia, whereas some species like the Asian Bumblebee Catfish (Pseudomystus siamensis) are native to Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

Physical Characteristics
The bumblebee catfishes are well-loved for their unique temperament and striking black and yellow coloration, coupled with unique physical features such as a spiny dorsal fin and large splayed ventral fins. Their size and lifespan vary between species. The South American variant typically grows up to 3-4 inches and is known to live around 5 years, while the Asian type can reach a maximum standard length of 6 inches.
Creating the Ideal Tank Environment
A well-thought-out tank setup is vital to ensure the catfish's comfort, health, and mimicry of their natural habitat. As bottom-dwellers that are fond of exploring and hiding, the bumblebee catfish requires a mature aquarium with a soft sand substrate, rocky caves, driftwood, and plant life. Accordingly, the tank should be minimally 20 gallons for a single catfish, noting that additional space is required for multiple fish. Plentiful shady hiding places can be provided by robust plant species such as Java Fern and Anubias spp.
Besides physical amenities, maintaining ideal water conditions is paramount. Most bumblebee catfish thrive in a temperature range of 70°F to 77°F, with a pH level between 6.5-7.5 and soft water having a hardness of 8-12 dGH. The South American variant prefers a hardness between 9-19, while the Asian species can acclimatize to an acidic environment with pH as low as 5.8. Regular water changes are necessary to maintain the health of the fish and ensure water clarity.
Diet Preferences
A balanced and nutritious diet is crucial to the bumblebee catfish’s health and well-being. As omnivores, a bumblebee catfish's diet in its natural habitat primarily consists of larvae, plant matter, small sinking granules, and insects. In captivity, this diet can be mimicked with sinking tablets, frozen foods, and freeze-dried foods. The largely nocturnal catfish prefer to feast at night.
Behaviour and Compatibility
Despite being shy creatures that often lay hidden during the day, the bumblebee catfish are peaceful and gregarious beings, most comfortable in the company of their own kind, preferably in groups of five or more. Similar community fish that aren't significantly smaller or aggressive make for the best tank mates. Although generally peaceful, larger variants such as the Giant Bumblebee Catfish are known to eat any fish small enough to fit in their mouths!
The Breeding Enigma
Breeding bumblebee catfish pose as quite the challenge, with successful breeding events both scarce and unexpected. Anecdotes from the author, Rebecca Goldring, reveal a tale of such accidental breeding. After noticing a pair of the catfish racing around the tank, she was pleasantly surprised to discover a cluster of eggs, which were subsequently moved to a breeder box. Despite multiple trials, the initial challenge was of eggs vanishing. Soon, a breeding set-up made of PVC pipe, egg crate, mesh, and rocks saw to the accomplishment of successful breeding.
Conditions for Successful Breeding
Amid social media interest and numerous queries, it is worth noting that the right environmental factors and physical conditions seem to trigger spawning in bumblebee catfish. In Rebecca Goldring's experience, alterations in the physical environment/hardscape or the presence of a well-rounded female triggered the breeding process. Furthermore, successful breeding was observed in tanks that incorporated tap water, a pH between 6.5 and 7.8, river rocks, and plants like Anubias wedged between rocks. Eggs were found to hatch in under 24 hours, with hatch time negatively correlated with temperature.
Do's and Don'ts
Before adding a bumblebee catfish to your tank, proper acclimation and feeding procedures need to be followed. The process of moving and adding fish to various tanks should be carried out cautiously to ensure least stress on the fish. While breeding these charming catfish might not be an easy task, with the right mix of perseverance, observation, patience, and perhaps a bit of luck, one might just land up on an excitingly unexpected breeding journey, much like Rebecca.