Join the Milwaukee Aquarium Society, a sanctuary for fish hobbyists since 1955, where you can connect with fellow enthusiasts and enhance your aquarium skills.
Join the Milwaukee Aquarium Society, a sanctuary for fish hobbyists since 1955, where you can connect with fellow enthusiasts and enhance your aquarium skills.
Having a guppy in a bowl is an enjoyable experience, but it also comes with some risks. First of all, the fish can be killed if they are not properly cared for. Another major problem is that you cannot have any kind of heater in the bowl. Guppy fish need clean water to live comfortably. […]
A planted aquarium is often considered as one of the best forms of aquariums and as you have guessed, the plants form a big part of such an endeavor. You can go for the usual method of purchasing plants and then planting them in the aquarium but this method comes with a lot of caveats […]
Nothing is better than being able to share your enthusiasm with fellow aquarium-lovers. Joining an aquarium club can be a rewarding thing to to. If your are looking to trade fish and plants or knowledge, these clubs are a great fit for you. The following list contains the most up-date active aquarium fish hobby clubs […]
What Makes a True Dutch Style Aquarium Dutch aquascapes are characterized by their abundant plant life, with as much quantity and diversity as needed to fulfill the hobbyist's visual image. Typically the entire foreground is fill with plant life. Larger-leafed species of plants are more typical in Dutch style aquascapes.
vivarium - generally tropical; high humidity, well planted, running water features terrarium - generally arid; low humidity, dryer climate animals, little water (suited well for frogs) paludarium - vivarium or terrarium with a large body of water. 50/50 water/land type tanks
In an Iwagumi layout, only one type of rock is used as a composition material, and generally only a few types of aquatic plants are planted in a simple arrangement. Due to this simple composition, the strength of the presence of the rocks and their overall impression are influenced greatly by the arrangement of aquatic plants […]
This aquarium style tries to emulate some sort of jungle, like the Amazon for example. The key to this aquascaping style is the wild, lush, uncontrolled appearance. From all aquascaping styles this is the less intensive one in terms of maintenance. Everyday plant trimming is not needed, as you don’t want to give the […]