Celestichthys erythromicron: A Tiny Burst of Color
Nestled in the clear waters of Inlé Lake, Myanmar, the Celestichthys erythromicron or commonly known as Emerald Dwarf Rasbora is a small but vibrant tropical fish. It belongs to the order of Cypriniformes and the family of Cyprinidae. The species' name "erythromicron", eloquently defines its physical appearance – derived from Greek words for small and red.

Habitat & Distribution
This visually captivating species finds its origin in Lake Inlé, a unique ecosystem known for crystal clear, shallow waters teeming with diverse plant life. Celestichthys erythromicron thrives amidst dense aquatic plant growth, taking shelter within the labyrinth of floating islands in the lake.

Physical Description & Notable Characteristics
Celestichthys erythromicron reaches a maximum size of about 0.8 inches (2 cm) and showcases a beautiful palette of colors. Male members of the species often exhibit more vibrant colors and a reddish-orange tinge on the fins compared to females.
Towards a Suitable Aquarium
To mimic the natural habitat of the Emerald Dwarf Rasbora, a well-maintained 10-gallon tank with plenty of aquatic plants, hiding spots, and dark substrate is recommended. Providing them with space outfitted with rocks, driftwood, and floating vegetation not only enhances their comfort but also brings their natural habitat to life. The waterparameters should be kept within the following range: 22 to 26°C temperature, pH 6.0 to 7.5, and soft to moderately hard.

Feeding Mechanisms and Dietary Preferences
As omnivorous fish, Emerald Dwarf Rasboras enjoy a diet of high-quality pellets and flakes along with small live or frozen foods. Their natural diet comprises small invertebrates, algae, and zooplankton. Supplying a varied menu replicates their natural feeding habits, promotes vitality, and enhances coloration.
The Shoaling Behavior of Celestichthys erythromicron
The Celestichthys erythromicron, recognized as a shoaling species, thrives best in groups of six or more. They tend to exhibit peaceful behavior, compatible with other small, non-aggressive fish from the similar geographical area. Regular water changes of roughly 20-30% and constant monitoring of water quality and stability ensure their sustained well-being.
Breeding the Emerald Dwarf Rasbora
These egg-scattering spawners do not showcase any notable parental care. For breeding them in a controlled setup, providing fine-leaved plants or mesh spawning mop for egg attachment can be ideal. Breeding specifics may vary depending on individual conditions.
Taxonomy and Evolution
Previously classified under the Danio genus, they are now grouped under Celestichthys, a part of the danionin group noted for their unique body patterns. The evolution of this species is believed to have happened through the process of miniaturization, a common trait among Cyprinid species residing in nutrient-deficient, still, or slow-moving waters like Lake Inlé. The redefinition of the Danio genus led to the reclassification of certain species under fresh genera like Celestichthys and Brachydanio.
Commonly Marketed Names
The Celestichthys erythromicron is marketed under various captivating names like 'Emerald Dwarf Rasbora', 'Emerald Dwarf Danio', and 'Thick Band Purple Zebra Danio', showcasing its diverse physical traits.
Purchasing this Marvelous Gem
There are a variety of specialized aquarium stores and online platforms offering Emerald Dwarf Rasboras. Certain online providers like The Shrimp Farm even promise live arrival guarantee for shipped fish.