Ammonia is produced through the decomposition of fish waste, decaying plants and other organic matter in your tank, along with regular water changes to keep levels under control. When ammonia levels get too high in your tank it may have adverse consequences for the health of your fish; signs of ammonia poisoning include gill burns that turn your fish dark red or lilac colored as they gasp for air at the surface; this condition also leads to lethargy and less interest in eating as their bodies try to get rid of ammonia from their bodies as they try flush it from their system.
When ammonia levels become excessively high, the first thing you should do is perform a large water change. This should already be part of your weekly maintenance routine anyway and can quickly help bring down ammonia levels quickly. Aim for at least 30-50% water changes as this will dilute ammonia and other toxins within the aquarium and help decrease its effects.
Increased aeration could also help your fish tank. Ammonia gas lingers in the water, so adding oxygen may help it spread more freely through your aquarium and break down more quickly.
Ammonia-removing chemicals provide another method for lowering ammonia levels quickly. They will bind up toxic ammonia (NH3) and convert it to non-toxic ammonium (NH4+), providing instantaneous relief. They can be found both online and at most pet stores.