June 12, 2018

Local Aquarium Fish Clubs in New York

Nothing is better than being able to share your enthusiasm with fellow aquarium-lovers. Joining an aquarium club can be a rewarding thing to to. If your are looking to trade fish and plants or knowledge, these clubs are a great fit for you. The following list contains the most up-date active aquarium fish hobby clubs in the New York metropolitan area.

Local Aquarium Fish Clubs in New York

Brooklyn Aquarium Society   (Location: Coney Island, Surf Ave and West 8th St, Brooklyn, NY)  Established in 1911 and has only grown stronger since. We are a friendly, family oriented, non-profit organization which welcomes hobbyists who want to learn more about aquaria keeping, and want to share their expertise with others. The Society is multi faceted, with interests; from marine fish and reef keeping to freshwater tropical fish and plants to goldfish and ponds. See ya around! Saltwater and freshwater, monthly meetings, big name speakers, bowl show, videotape library, auctions, raffles, refreshments. Members receive BAS publication--Aquatica. Open to the public. Meetings held at 8:30pm on the second Friday of month at the New York Aquarium--Education Hall at Coney Island, Surf Ave and West 8th St, Brooklyn, NY.

The Allegheny River Valley Aquarium Society  (Location: 212 Laurens Street, Olean, NY 14760)  We are a not for profit organization that promotes the education, the development and the preservation of the fish keeping hobby. ARVAS was founded in 1979. Monthly meetings are the 2nd Friday of every month at 7:30 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Monthly meetings consists of a brief business meeting, a program that is hobby related and is usually a speaker or a video, a bowl show, door prizes, a mini auction and refreshments. Yearly club activities include a yearly auction, an aquarium tropical fish show, a summer family picnic, a Christmas party and awards dinner, growth contests, shop hops, and field trips. We have a BAP (breeder awards program) and a HAP (horticulture award program). We also belong to FAAS (Federation of American Aquarium Societies).

Central New York Aquarium Society  (Location: 148 Sanders Creek Pkwy
East Syracuse, New York 13057)  CNYAS is a non-profit educational organization with a goal of furthering the study of all forms of aquatic life. In order to achieve this, we promote the interest in, and encourage the breeding of, aquatic life. Through the exchange of ideas and distribution of information concerning the hobby, we will advance our members’ knowledge of the hobby, providing valuable information to those who seek it. We have an auction at every general meeting. This gives everyone a chance to buy supplies and fish.

Greater City Aquarium Society  (Location: Queens Botanical Garden)  Are you a fellow tropical fish and aquarium enthusiast? Be part of our aquarium society. Greater City Aquarium Society (GCAS) in New York City, NY is the perfect group for you. Our aquarium society is a member of the Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies and the Federation of American Aquarium Societies. Since 1922, Greater City has been a venue for enthusiasts to meet and discuss aquarium-related topics and concerns. Our aquarium society meets every first Wednesday of the month (except January and February) at the Queens Botanical Garden. Membership dues are $20.00 annually, for individuals or families. This fee includes ten issues, one for each month of the year starting March, of our award-winning magazine, ‘Modern Aquarium’.

Long Island Aquarium Society  (Location: SUNY Stony Brook's Maritime Science area, Stony Brook, NY 11794)  The Long Island Aquarium Society, Inc. (LIAS) is Long Island’s oldest organization aquarium club. We meet monthly and on special occasions to share ideas and encourage breeding, showing and exchanging of fresh and salt water aquatic life. The membership is made up of men, women and children of all ages and levels of experience. Included are nationally renowned individuals who are eager to share their experience and expertise in all aspects of aquarium and fish management. We welcome visitors (including young people), and we’d love to have you join us! We meet on the 3rd Friday of each month (except July and August). Check www.liasonline.org for meeting time, location and topic. A typical meeting begins with a talk by an expert on some aspect of aquariums. We then break for snacks, coffee and chatting about fish. This is a great time to meet new people who share your interest. We continue with raffles and an auction of fish, plants and other creatures. Other events include an annual ocean seining outing to catch tropical wanderers.

The Tropical Fish Club of Erie County  (Location: Chicken Coop, VFW Post 8113, 299 Leydecker Road in West Seneca)  We are an aquarium club for the tropical fish hobbyist. The Tropical Fish Club of Erie County welcomes all skill levels from beginner to advanced. Come join us! The purpose of this club is to bring hobbyists of Tropical Fish & Aquatic Plants together who are interested in breeding, raising and or showing fish and aquatic plants. The Tropical Fish Club of Erie County was formed in April 1987. The 6 original members decided the The Purpose of the Tropical Fish Club of Erie County is to bring hobbyists of tropical fish and aquatic plants together who are interested in breeding, raising and or showing fish and aquatic plants. To educate the public in how to care and maintain tropical fish and aquatic plants. To aid through lectures, videos or slide presentations on different aspects of the tropical fish hobby. A newsletter was started and members shared their experiences breeding fish, sharing ideas, and letting others know of events in the hobby. A Tropical Fish, Aquatic Plant and Supply Auction was held for the first time in February of 1988, the auction has become one of the largest of it’s kind on the East Coast. The club has hosted All Species Fish Shows and Conventions.


Fish Club Near Me

If you are a fish enthusiast and want to connect with like-minded people, a fish club near you can be the perfect solution. These clubs provide a platform for members to share their knowledge, experiences, and love for fishkeeping. You can attend meetings, events, and workshops to learn new techniques, discuss challenges, and share tips. You can also get access to resources, discounts, and exclusive deals from local stores. To find a fish club near you, you can check online forums, social media groups, or search engines. You can also ask for recommendations from local pet stores or fellow hobbyists.


Aquarium Clubs Near Me

Aquarium clubs are dedicated to promoting the hobby of aquarium keeping and conservation of aquatic life. They offer a range of activities such as meetings, shows, tours, and seminars to educate members about various aspects of aquarium keeping. You can learn about different species of fish, plants, corals, and invertebrates, as well as how to set up and maintain your aquarium. Aquarium clubs also provide a forum for members to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects. To find an aquarium club near you, you can search online directories, ask for recommendations from pet stores or other hobbyists, or check social media groups.


Fish Auction Near Me

Fish auctions are a great way to buy and sell fish, plants, and aquarium equipment. They provide a platform for hobbyists to exchange their surplus stock, rare species, or hard-to-find items. Fish auctions are also a fun way to meet other hobbyists, learn about new species, and get great deals on aquarium supplies. To find a fish auction near you, you can check local classifieds, online forums, or search engines. You can also ask for recommendations from local pet stores or aquarium clubs. Before attending a fish auction, be sure to research the rules and regulations, as well as the quality and health of the items being auctioned.

Brooklyn Aquarium Society Auction May 13 | Local Fish Club

Passionate and knowledgeable aquartist. Aquariums have always fascinated me. I enjoy sharing and learning about the wonders of a fish tank.

Justin A

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