Axolotls are carnivorous animals found in the wild that feed on snails, worms, crustaceans, fish and amphibians such as salamanders. When kept as pets in captivity they can be given live or frozen foods similar to what would be found in their natural habitat. A balanced and protein-rich diet ensures optimal health and growth; adding foods such as bloodworms or daphnia for additional nutritional support and growth is recommended.
Feeding an axolotl requires taking great care to avoid large food items that could potentially cause digestive distress and injury, like worms and other items larger than its head size. An axolotl's teeth were meant for gripping rather than biting or tearing food apart - swallowing an item too big can cause discomfort, gagging, and indigestion if swallowed whole by their rudimentary jaws - therefore too big pieces will likely end up swallowed whole, causing discomfort, gagging, and indigestibility in both cases.
As an alternative to feeding their axolotls food that is too large, some owners have had success training their animal to eat out of a bowl or other container instead. This approach may be particularly helpful for those without the time or ability to hand feed their fish directly.
Axolotls that aren't being hand-fed can be given commercial fish pellets sized appropriately for them, although for optimal health it's usually best to provide a more natural, high-protein diet instead - including fresh and frozen worms (Canadian earthworms, bloodworms and tubifex worms are great options), brine shrimp and other forms of frozen seafood foods like dried algae and flakes. It is important never to use raw meat or self-caught fish because this could contain parasites which would be detrimental for their wellbeing.